18 May 2014

The windows arrive!

The windows left the Rationel factory on the exact date they had given us.  The delivery guy got a little bit confused and we ran into the Bank Holiday weekend but they got here safe and sound. Our first glimpse of the windows...

We were able to get local firm Ellis Crane Hire to come out to do the job.  They brought an absolutely massive crane to do the job, the newest in their fleet.  We couldn't have asked for a nicer or more professional team.

We discussed the huge progress there has been in the industry over the last couple of years which has now resulted in there being a lot more variety of vacuum lifting devices available now. As the lifting technology advances so can the ambition of the glazing design.  Ours needed to be slim enough to lift the windows down between the house and scaffolding.  We had occasional light rain that day, not ideal when you are trying to achieve a complete seal. I was reassured that each vacuum suction cap has an alarm which will signal if the vacuum has been compromised...as long as it doesn't go off when the window is high in the air! 

This was the huge, heavy one.

Beautiful handles!

Not a bother, in they all went, at least the ones which were to be lifted by crane, it will take another week to fit all the windows.  Well done Joolz, Andrew and Paul!  They are gorgeous. A big moment in the progress of the build but still a long way to go yet...

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